The Annual Meeting of the United Kingdom and Ireland Endoscopic Ultrasound society 2022
Course directors: Dr Bharat Paranandi & Dr Matthew Huggett (Consultant HPB Physicians, Leeds). Date: Wednesday 30thNovember 2022.
Venue: Main site: Hilton Hotel, Neville Street, Leeds LS1 4BX.
Live endoscopy: Endoscopy department, Ground floor, Bexley Wing, St James's University Hospital, Beckett Street, Leeds, LS9 7TF
Title: Controversies in EUS.
Format: Debate-style discussions about contentious and topical issues in the field of Endoscopic Ultrasound and Pancreaticobiliary medicine/surgery. Live cases will be streamed from St James’s University Hospital, Leeds throughout the day.
08:30 - 08:55 Registration and Coffee
08:55 - 0900 Introduction
Chairs: Dr Conrad Beckett & Dr Noor Bekkali.
0900-0925 Training in EUS must take place prior to consultant appointment – discuss.
Dr Simon Everett (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Leeds). Dr Aaron McGowan (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Edinburgh).
09:25 - 09:30 JAG training
Dr Manu Nayar (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Newcastle)
0930-1000 LIVE CASE 1: Combined EUS/ERCP for HOP mass
Dr Martin James (Consultant Hepatologist, Nottingham). Dr Bharat Paranandi or Dr Matt Huggett (Consultant Gastroenterologists, Leeds).
1000-1030 All EUS-ists should dual accredit in ERCP.
Professor Andy Hopper (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Sheffield). Dr Danny Cheriyan (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Dublin).
1030-1100 Training in EUS is more challenging for women than men.
Dr Sarah Jowett (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Bradford). Dr Natalie Phillips (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Hammersmith).
** Video case: Training in EUS - the good and the bad.
Dr Ray McCrudden (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Bournemouth).
1100-1130 Morning break.
Chairs: Dr Sarah Jowett & Dr Brin Mahon.
1130-1200 Pancreatic cancer surveillance – what’s the point?
Professor Chris Halloran (Consultant Pancreatic Surgeon, Liverpool). Dr Manu Nayar (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Newcastle).
1200-1230 Oesophagogastric EUS – the end is nigh.
Dr Ray McCrudden (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Bournemouth). Professor Kevin Bradley (Consultant Radiologist, Cardiff).
LIVE CASE 2: Pancreatic cyst assessment and sampling.
Dr Aaron On (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Leeds). Dr Manu Nayar (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Newcastle)
EUS assessment post RAP.
Dr Aaron On (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Leeds).
1230-1300 Lunch break.
**Video case:
Chairs: Professor Kofi Oppong & Dr Joe Geraghty.
1400-1430 Endoscopic ampullectomy is the best treatment for localised ampullary tumours.
Mr Andy Smith (Consultant Pancreatic Surgeon, Leeds). Dr John Leeds (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Newcastle).
1430-1500 LIVE CASE 3: EMR Ampullectomy and ERCP for ampullary adenoma.
Professor Andy Hopper (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Sheffield). Dr Natalie Phillips (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Hammersmith).
1500-1530 Training in interventional EUS – see one, do one, teach one.
Dr Gavin Johnson (Consultant Gastroenterologist, UCLH, London). Dr Terry Wong (Consultant Gastroenterologist, St Thomas’, London).
** Video case: EUS-guided brachytherapy for PDAC.
Dr Natalie Phillips (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Hammersmith).
1530-1600 Afternoon break.
Chairs: Dr Natalie Phillips & Dr Aaron McGowan.
1600-1630 EUS-guided choledochoduodenostomy should be used first line as treatment for
malignant obstructive jaundice in (a) operable distal biliary strictures and (b) following index failed ERCP.
Professor Kofi Oppong (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Newcastle). Dr Martin James (Consultant Hepatologist, Nottingham).
1630-1700 LIVE CASE 4: Interventional EUS - CDD/GJ/EDGE.
Dr Bharat Paranandi or Dr Matt Huggett (Consultant Gastroenterologists, Leeds). Dr Gavin Johnson (Consultant Gastroenterologist, UCLH, London).
1700-1730 EUS-guided gastrojejunostomy is preferable to surgical enterostomy and enteral stenting in benign and malignant gastric outlet obstruction.
Dr Nadeem Tehami (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Southampton). Mr Euan Dickson (Consultant Pancreas Surgeon, Glasgow).
** Video case: Endoscopic Necrosectomy - How I do it.
Dr Joe Geraghty (Consultant Gastroenterologist, Manchester).
1730-1740 Closing remarks.
*Video cases to be included throughout the day.