Reintroduction of palliative intent FOLFIRINOX chemotherapy in a real world pancreatic cancer cohort
27 Mar 2025, 4 p.m.
Publication date: Available online 27 March 2025Source: PancreatologyAuthor(s): A.A. van ...
OpenPseudonymiser is a free, open source, standalone Windows application.
OpenPseudonymiser checks the validity of the NHS Number within a Comma Separated Variable (CSV) file, adds extra data to the NHS Number using an encrypted set of characters, known as a salt, followed by cryptographic hash functions using the internationally recognised Secure Hash Algorithm 2 (SHA-256) to produce a string of output characters, known as the digest.
It is the digest that will be used as the case identifier within REDCap. To learn how to use OpenPseudonymiser here:
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