Reintroduction of palliative intent FOLFIRINOX chemotherapy in a real world pancreatic cancer cohort
27 Mar 2025, 4 p.m.
Publication date: Available online 27 March 2025Source: PancreatologyAuthor(s): A.A. van ...
Identify your Data Collection Team
Once you have registered your interest via our google form, you will be contacted by the steering committee. They will highlight others in your centre who have also registered their interest. You should contact these individuals and decide who will fulfill the following roles as below.
Local Lead (not Local Consultant) (n=1)
± Doctor / medical student data collectors (n=0-2, or 0-5 in tertiary units)
± 1 non-doctor team member (e.g. clinical nurse specialist / MDT co-ordinator etc.) who will play an invaluable role in case identification / data collection.
This should be a consultant Gastroenterologist, HPB or Upper GI Surgeon. The Local Consultant will be responsible for:
Being the named consultant for any local registration processes
Being a permanent point of contact for the audit
Defining roles of individuals within the team locally
Supporting the local lead and data collection team in any administrative hurdles they may encounter.
Disseminating outcomes of the audit locally.
The Local Lead should be a SpR or Core Trainee and will be responsible for:
Recruiting and managing local data collection team
Data collection completeness
Custodian of the Unit-specific REDCap login
Local RICOCHET audit registration in keeping with local procedure
Documentation to help is provided in Appendix 3
Link here for your interest
Once you have sent us your confirmation of registration and address, we will post you a USB stick containing:
Sites will be required to keep a record of REDCap numbers and linked patient identifier (Pseudonymisation Number) on a local NHS computer as a spread-sheet (Microsoft Excel). This should never be printed.
A copy of this spread-sheet should kept for 2 years after data collection is complete. It is the Local Lead Consultant’s responsibility to be custodian of this spreadsheet. We will be unable to include your site data in the study without this.