zzzAnnual Scientific Congress 2024

Location and Accommodation

Location and Accommodation

Places to stay, things to do.

2024 Programme Dublin

2024 Programme Dublin

The provisional programme

49th Annual Scientific Congress of the Pancreatic Society of Great Britain & Ireland, Dublin. 

Thursday 21st – Friday 22nd  November, 2024

UKI EUS Annual Meeting

Wednesday 20th November 2024


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It gives me great pleasure to announce that registration for the joint meeting of the Pancreatic Society and the UKI EUS Society joint annual scientific meeting (November 20-22 nd) is now open. Register here

Please see the meeting programme by following this link

We have an exciting programme prepared for the meeting this year which will be advertised shortly. The programme covers core areas of Pancreatology and EUS, with a number of sessions dedicated to pancreatic cancers on Thursday 21st November, World Pancreatic Cancer Day.  In addition to a number of international faculty we have invited experts from around the U.K. and Ireland to share their knowledge in these areas. There will also be satellite symposia led by the National HPB Nursing Group, and the Nutrition Interest Group of PSGBI.

Abstract submission is now open and will close at 5 pm on Monday 1st September. We welcome submission from all who are working in pancreatic disease and EUS research and clinical practice. The top scoring abstracts will be invited for oral presentation at the prestigious Rodney Smith medal session, and the top scoring nutrition-related abstract will receive the NIGPS prize.

The meeting takes place in the Grand Hotel in the Malahide on the north county Dublin coast, in close proximity to Dublin airport.  Dublin International airport has direct, low-cost flight options to most UK cities and airports. We have been able to secure a number of rooms in this premium hotel at fantastically competitive prices so the rooms must go on a strictly first come first served basis.   There is also an early bird rate available to members until the end of August so don't delay and register today!

We look forward to seeing you in Dublin in November

Oonagh Griffin, President of PSGBI

Manu Nayar, President of UKIEUS

Dermot O’Toole, UKIEUS 2024 co-lead.

Our 2024 Sponsors